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Tailored Service


Below you can read complete and detailed information about our Tailored Service. Please read everything carefully and contact us if you have any questions. Do not request a quote without reading and understanding everything first.

What is this about?

At PuxSpy, we have a wide variety of services. However, many people are looking for something different, a service that is not listed on our website. A particular and personalized service to your specific and specific needs.

If you are one of these people, we're happy to inform you that we can help you. Our tailored service is a flexible service. The client (that is to say: you), must explain to us what they need, what they want, and we will analyze their requirement and send them a quote.


As this is a flexible and personalized service, there is no defined price or time of delay. It will depend on what you want to do. Each client who contacts us does so for different purposes. Some services are simple while others are complex. In order to tell you what the price of the service you want will be as well as the time that will take us to complete it, we must first make a quote.

To quote your service, you must first read this entire document, where we explain how this service works, its procedure, terms and conditions. After having read everything, if you agree with our terms and want to receive a quote, you simply have to contact us and ask for it. If you continue reading, at the end of this document we will tell you how to contact us and what information you must send us to receive a quote.

No compromises. Asking for a quote doesn't commit you to anything. It is simply a mere consultation. If you don't like or can't pay our price, you can decline our offer and seek for a solution elsewhere.

Payment method

The one and only payment method we accept is Bitcoin. If you have never used bitcoin before or don't know how it works, you can read a guide where we explain the whole process step by step. To read it, click on the following link: How to pay with Bitcoin

There are no more payment methods. If there were, we'd be glad to tell you, but there aren't. Insistence or questions about it are considered an insult to us and our work.

Payment at the end - Unlike other services, the tailored service is paid at the end, when the service has already been done and delivered, and after you verify with your own eyes that everything has been done according to your requirements . It won't be necessary to pay anything in advance. Not even a single cent. Nothing. However, in case of hiring our service, it will be mandatory that you already have your bitcoin wallet prepared with enough money to pay for our service, and we will demand that you prove it to us. If you don't show us that you already have the money prepared in your bitcoin wallet, we will reject your order.


This service has a simple procedure that we will explain below:

Step 1 - The first step, of course, will be to contact us to request a quote.

Step 2 - After receiving our response with the quote, you can accept or reject it. In the quote you will be told: the price, how long it takes to do it, what information we need (in case we require any type of information), and any other details or suggestions that we consider necessary to tell you. Remember that if you don't like our quotation, you can reject it.

Step 3 - In case of accepting our quote, you will have to prepare your bitcoin wallet and, logically, you will have to top it up with enough money to pay for the service that we have quoted. This money will be in your own bitcoin wallet, under your control. Once you have the money ready, you will need to show us that you already have it, and then we will immediately start working on your order.

Step 4 - As soon as your order has been completed, we will contact you to deliver it or inform you that it is ready. Then you will have a reasonable period of time to carry out all the checks you wish and verify that we have really done it.

Step 5 - As soon as you have verified that everything has been done correctly, then you will have to make the payment for the full value of our service.

About bitcoin

As we have told you before, the only payment method we accept is Bitcoin.

In case you don't know, one of the main features of bitcoin is that all addresses and transactions are recorded in a public ledger that anyone can see. This means that just by telling us what your bitcoin address is, we can see how much money you have in your wallet.

This makes many people panic, because they consider that their privacy is at risk, but nothing could be further from the truth, since bitcoin wallets are anonymous, they're not registered under any name or identity. While it is possible to see how much money a bitcoin address has, no one knows who it belongs to, unless the owner themself discloses this information.

If you create a bitcoin wallet and top it up with money, and then tell us what your bitcoin address is, we can see that you actually have the money in your wallet. In this way, it will give us guarantees and we will feel safe to perform the service, because we will know that our payment is already prepared and waiting for us.

Bitcoin wallet

With a quick search on the internet, you won'tice that there are thousands of different bitcoin wallet apps and websites, but it is not the same to use one or another.

For you to show us the money and request a tailored service, you will need a specific type of wallet, which is compatible with this service. We are not going to go into technical details about it, as it may be very difficult to understand and, in addition, we don't intend to teach a boring bitcoin course, so we will limit ourselves to mentioning some wallets that are compatible with our service and that you can use.

We have selected 3 different bitcoin wallet services that you can use. You can choose the one that likes you more, however, we recommend opting for mywallet.sh, as we consider it the easiest and safest option.

To see instructions on how to create your wallet, simply click on any of these options:


To create your bitcoin wallet on MyWallet, go to: mywallet.sh.

Once inside, you can see a list with many cryptocurrencies. Click on the option that says "Bitcoin (BTC)". Then, the system will generate a new bitcoin wallet and the 2 data that compose it will be shown on the screen:

(1) Bitcoin Address. Your bitcoin address is something like your bank account number. If you must receive bitcoin from someone, you must tell them your bitcoin address. And also, as we have said before, anyone who knows your address, will be able to know how much money is inside it. However, as we also explained above, a bitcoin wallet is anonymous, no one will know who it belongs to, and it is disposable, which means you can use it only 1 time and throw it away and create a new one.

(2) Private Key. It is something like a password. If someone wants to access the bitcoins in a wallet, they need the private key. Without the private key, the funds won't be accessible. For this reason, you should store it somewhere safe and not lose it.

As soon as you have created your bitcoin wallet and also have a quote for the desired service, all you have to do is buy bitcoins (if you don't know how, click here to read our guide) and send them to your wallet.

When you have the bitcoins deposited in your wallet, you will have to tell us what your bitcoin address is, so we can verify that you actually have enough money to pay for our work.

Finally, when your work has been completed and delivered and you have verified that everything is alright, in that moment, you will simply have to send us the private key of your wallet, so we can take the bitcoins that are inside it.

It is impossible to access the funds in a bitcoin wallet without the private key, and you won't deliver this information until the end. This means that you will have your bitcoin wallet and you will have your private key, with which you will have full control over the bitcoins. Only when the service has been delivered will you send us the private key. we will never ask you for it before.


To create your bitcoin wallet at Bitcoin Space, go to: www.bitcoinspace.pro.

Once inside, click on the button that says "Register" and choose a username and password for your new account. Finally, confirm your registration by clicking on the button that says "Confirm Registration".

After registering your bitcoin wallet, you can log in with your username and password whenever you want.

To receive bitcoins, click on the option that says "Receive Bitcoins (BTC)", and then you can see your bitcoin address.

As soon as you have created your bitcoin wallet and also have a quote for the desired service, all you have to do is buy bitcoins (if you don't know how, click here to read our guide) and send them to your wallet.

When you have the bitcoins deposited in your wallet, you will have to tell us what your bitcoin address is, so we can verify that you actually have enough money to pay for our work.

Finally, when your work has been completed and delivered and you have verified that everything is correct, you will simply have to go back into your wallet and click on the option that says "Send Bitcoins (BTC)" and this way, you can transfer your bitcoins to our address, which we will give you when it is time to pay.

Bitcoin Core

Bitcoin Core is the original bitcoin wallet, the first one, the one that was created by Satoshi Nakamoto (the creator of bitcoin).

This wallet should be used only by advanced users, who have knowledge about Bitcoin and Blockchain. If you are a novice user or have just learned what Bitcoin is, please don't use this option, as you risk losing all your money if you do something wrong. If you don't have knowledge, use any of the other 2 options available.

Consider that:

  • It can only be used on computers, not on cell phones.
  • You must have at least 350GB of available space.
  • You must have knowledge of Bitcoin and Blockchain.

To get started, download Bitcoin Core from the official website: www.bitcoin.org

After opening Bitcoin Core, you will have to wait until the blockchain fully syncs (approximately 350GB of space will be required).

Then run the CLI and generate a new paper wallet. Make sure to use Base DS-160 encryption.

As soon as you have created your bitcoin wallet and also have a quote for the desired service, all you have to do is buy bitcoins (if you don't know how, click here to read our guide) and send them to your wallet.

When you have the bitcoins deposited in your wallet, you will have to tell us what your bitcoin address is, so we can verify that you actually have enough money to pay for our work.

Finally, when your work has been completed and delivered and you have verified that everything is alright, in that moment, you will simply have to send us the private key of your wallet, so we can take the bitcoins that are inside it.

Last details
  • If we quote a service it is because we can do it with 100% safety and effectiveness. There is no possibility of failure. If we're not totally sure of being able to carry out the service, we won't accept your order and we won't send you any quotation.
  • Logically, we prefer to work with the money in advance, but for our customers' security and guarantee, we offer this mode in which you won't have to pay anything until the end. However, for those people who already know us from previous services or who trust us and are willing to pay in advance, they will have a 20% discount. If you wish to pay in advance, once the quote is received, you simply have to ask us for our bitcoin address to make the payment for the quoted value minus 20%.
  • Once you deposit the bitcoins in your wallet to show us that you have the money, you should not take them out of there. You must leave them in your wallet until the end of the service. Although they will be in your wallet and under your control, consider that this money is no longer yours, as it will be our payment once the service has been delivered. Therefore, don't move them and always leave them in the same wallet.

Placing an Order

Please, make sure you have read and understood everything before requesting this service. If you still have unanswered questions or there is something you don't fully understand, contact with our support team. Talk to them and ask all your questions and only place an order when you have no more doubts.

If you fully agree to the "Service Contract" that you have just read on this page and would like to receive a quote, contact with us.

To contact with us, just send a message to our email address (click over it to copy the address) and tell us that you would like to receive a quote for a Tailored Service, and, of course, also explain us what do you need from us. Normally, we are able to give the quote immediately, although for complex services, it may take a few hours to carefully analyze the request. In any case, we will reply to your message as soon as we see it.

Quick contact

Drop us a message now and we will get back to you as soon as possible with a proper answer.

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