Bitcoin is a virtual currency. It is money like the one you use everyday, just that bitcoin doesn't have printed banknotes or physical coins but it works virtually. Its main features are to be very secure, anonymous and fast. A bitcoin transfer is processed almost instantly, any day, 24 hours. To use bitcoin, the first thing you need is a bitcoin wallet where you can store your bitcoins. Once you have your bitcoin wallet, you can buy bitcoin with a lot of different payment methods, such as: credit card, bank transfer, cash deposit, western union, and much more. In our guide below, we will explain how to do all this step by step.
Bitcoin Guide

Select your country
There are different ways to buy bitcoin and they vary from country to country. Select your country from the list below so we can give you detailed information about the fastest and safest options to buy bitcoin in your country.
Below you can see many different options available in to register your bitcoin wallet and buy bitcoin.
Take a look at the descriptions and payment methods accepted by each, and when you find one you like the most, just click on the button that says Read Guide and you will be redirected to a new page with full instructions on what to do step by step.